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Lift your lamp beside the golden door, Break not the golden rule, avoid well the golden calf, know; not all that glitters is gold, and laissez faire et laissez passer [let do and let pass] but as a shining sentinel, hesitate not to ring the bell, defend the gates, and man the wall

Tell Me What Democracy Looks Like!

Tell Me What Democracy Looks Like! THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE!!!

Cycle of Democracies

overview of what various forms of Govt.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Communes And Collectivisms


A group of related but distinct philosophies, began in the late 20th century [1900s], opposing exalted forms of individualism. Not necessarily hostile to social liberalism or even social democracy.    
Communitarianism emphasizes the need to 'balance' individual rights and interests with that of the community as a whole, and that individual people (or citizens) are shaped by the cultures and values of their communities.

In other words Communitarianism is definitively an 'anti-individualist' social engineering ideology that emphasizes "Collective Rights" IE the "Common Good" above individual rights.

Though the term communitarianism is of 20th-century origin, it is derived from the 1840s term communitarian, which was coined by Goodwyn Barmby to refer to one who was a member or advocate of a communalist society. The modern use of the term is a redefinition of the original sense. Many communitarians trace their philosophy to earlier thinkers. The term is primarily used in two senses:

1. Philosophical Communitarianism considers Classical Liberalism(Z) to be Ontologically(A) and epistemologically(B)  incoherent, and opposes it on those grounds

Unlike Classical Liberalism, which construes communities as originating from the voluntary acts of pre-community individuals, it emphasizes the role of the community in defining and shaping individuals.
(Z) Classical Liberalism: An ideology committed to the principles of Natural Law, Limited Government, Free Markets and The Primacy of the the Individual, over the Collective.
(A) Ontology: The branch of metaphysics(a2) that studies the nature of existence or being as such
(B) Epistemology: investigating the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge
(a2) Metaphysics: The branch of philosophy that deals with underlying 'theoretical' and 'first' principles; the relation of 'universals' to 'particulars', and the teleological(a3) doctrine of causation (a3) Teleology: The study of the evidences of design or purpose in nature. The belief that purpose and design are a part of or are apparent in nature. (in vitalist philosophy) the doctrine that phenomena are guided not only by mechanical forces but that they also move toward certain goals of self-realization

Communitarians believe that the value of community is not sufficiently recognized in liberal theories of justice.

2. Ideological Communitarianism is characterized as a radical "centrist" ideology that is sometimes marked by leftism on economic issues and moralism or conservatism on social issues.[Using the pathetic and fake conventional political spectrum of Communism vs Fascism, the third way is yet another Statism 'Progressivism'] This usage was coined recently. When the term is capitalized, it usually refers to the Responsive Communitarian movement of Amitai Etzioni and other philosophers.

Positive Rights

Central to the communitarian philosophy is the concept of positive rights, which are rights or guarantees to certain things. These may include state subsidized education, state-subsidized housing, a safe and clean environment, universal health care, and even the right to a job with the concomitant(C) obligation of the government or individuals to provide one. To this end, communitarians generally support social security programs, public works programs, and laws limiting such things as pollution.
(C) Concomitant: Synonymous with "Associated"; existing or occurring with something else, often in a lesser way

A common objection is that by providing such rights, communitarians violate the negative rights of the citizens; rights to not have something done for you. For example, taxation to pay for such programs as described above dispossesses individuals of property. Proponents of positive rights, by attributing the protection of negative rights to the society rather than the government, respond that 'individuals would not have any rights in the absence of societies'—a central tenet of communitarianism—and thus have a personal responsibility to give something back to it. Some have viewed this as a negation of natural rights. However, what is or is not a "natural right" is a source of contention in modern politics, as well as historically; for example, whether or not universal health care, private property or protection from polluters can be considered a birthright.

Alternatively, some agree that negative rights may be violated by a government action, but argue that it is justifiable if the positive rights protected outweigh the negative rights lost. In the same vein, supporters of positive rights further argue that negative rights are irrelevant in their absence. Moreover, some communitarians "experience this less as a case of being used for others' ends and more as 'a way of contributing to the purposes of a community I regard as my own'.

According to scholar Peter Sutch, the principal criticisms of communitarianism are:
That communitarianism leads necessarily to moral relativism. That this relativism leads necessarily to a re-indorsement of the status quo in international politics, and that such a position relies upon a discredited ontological argument that posits the foundational status of the community or state
William Bradford And The Plymouth Plantation/Colony
March 19, 1590 - May 9, 1657

Bradford is credited as the first to proclaim what popular American culture now views as the first Thanksgiving.
The Plymouth Colony was established by Separatist Pilgrims who had travelled from Europe in order to flee religious persecution and establish a religious community separate from the Church of England. The social and legal systems of the colony were tied to their religious beliefs as well as English Common Law. The presence of secular planters ("The Strangers") hired by the London merchant investors who funded their venture led to tension and factionalization in the fledgling settlement, especially because of the policies of land use and profit-sharing.

In this primarily religious-based community, the communist-like principle used by the "primitive" Christian Church as described in the Acts of the Apostles ("all things be held in common") was used as a basis for the contract agreed upon by the venture and its investors.
The first winter in the new colony was a terrible experience. Half the colonists perished, including the colony's leader, John Carver. Bradford was selected as his replacement on the spring of 1621. From this point, his story is inextricably linked with the history of the Plymouth Colony.

In 'History of Plymouth Plantation,' the governor of the colony, William Bradford, reported that the colonists went hungry for years, because they refused to work in the fields. They preferred instead to steal food. He says the colony was riddled with "corruption," and with "confusion and discontent." The crops were small because "much was stolen both by night and day, before it became scarce eatable."

In the harvest feasts of 1621 and 1622, "all had their hungry bellies filled," but only briefly. The prevailing condition during those years was not the abundance the official story claims, it was famine and death. The first "Thanksgiving" was not so much a celebration as it was the last meal of condemned men.
But in subsequent years something changes. The harvest of 1623 was different. Suddenly, "instead of famine now God gave them plenty," Bradford wrote, "and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God." Thereafter, he wrote, "any general want or famine hath not been amongst them since to this day." In fact, in 1624, so much food was produced that the colonists were able to begin exporting corn.

Due to insufficient corn production and the discontent of the single young men who resented having to provide for other men's wives and children, Bradford changed the original communal use of land and equal division of the harvest and divided the land in plots to be temporarily assigned to individual families who would retain their harvest for themselves. According to Bradford, this resulted in increased productivity and social stability:

At length, after much debate of things, the Governor (with the advice of the chiefest amongst them) gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular, and in that regard trust to themselves [...] This had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor or any other could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn; which before would allege weakness and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.

After the poor harvest of 1622, writes Bradford, "they began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop." They began to question their form of economic organization, Which had required that "all profits and benefits that are got by trade, working, fishing, or any other means" were to be placed in the common stock of the colony, and that, "all such persons as are of this colony, are to have their meat, drink, apparel, and all provisions out of the common stock." A person was to put into the common stock all he could, and take out only what he needed.

This "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" was an early form of socialism, and it is why the Pilgrims were starving. Bradford writes that "young men that are most able and fit for labor and service" complained about being forced to "spend their time and strength to work for other men's wives and children." Also, "the strong, or man of parts, had no more in division of victuals and clothes, than he that was weak." So the young and strong refused to work and the total amount of food produced was never adequate.

To rectify this situation, in 1623 Bradford abolished socialism. He gave each household a parcel of land and told them they could keep what they produced, or trade it away as they saw fit. In other words, he replaced socialism with a free market, and that was the end of famines.

Many early groups of colonists set up socialist states, all with the same terrible results

Robert Owen And New Harmony
(14 May 1771–17 November 1858)

Owenism is a term used to represent the Utopian socialist philosophy of Robert Owen.

He and his followers (Owenites) purchased the town of Harmonie in Posey County, Indiana, in 1825. They hoped to establish a model communal village, which they named New Harmony, where they tried to practice Owen's theories about cooperative living.

The experiment was established in 1825 and dissolved in 1829 due to constant quarrels. The town banned money and other commodities. Individualist anarchist Josiah Warren, who was one of the original participants in the New Harmony Society, asserted that the community was doomed to failure due to a lack of individual sovereignty and private property. He wrote of the community: "It seemed that the difference of opinion, tastes and purposes increased just in proportion to the demand for conformity. Two years were worn out in this way; at the end of which, I believe that not more than three persons had the least hope of success. Most of the experimenters left in despair of all reforms, and conservatism felt itself confirmed. We had tried every conceivable form of organization and government. We had a world in miniature. --we had enacted the French revolution over again with despairing hearts instead of corpses as a result. ...It appeared that it was nature's own inherent law of diversity that had conquered us ...our 'united interests' were directly at war with the individualities of persons and circumstances and the instinct of self-preservation... and it was evident that just in proportion to the contact of persons or interests, so are concessions and compromises indispensable." (Periodical Letter II 1856).

New Moral World, Owen's envisioned successor of New Harmony.
Owenites fired bricks to build it, but construction never took place.


Charles Fourier 
(7 April 1772 – 10 October 1837)
French Utopian Socialist Philosopher

Fourier is credited by modern scholars with having originated the word féminisme in 1837
As early as 1808, he had argued, in the Theory of the Four Movements, that the extension of the liberty of women was the general principle of all social progress, though he disdained any attachment to a discourse of 'equal rights'.
Perspective view of Fourier's Phalanstère

 Fourier inspired the founding of the communist community called La Reunion near present-day Dallas, Texas as well as several other communities within the United States of America, such as the North American Phalanx in New Jersey and Community Place and five others in New York State.

   Fourier declared that concern and cooperation were the secrets of social success. He believed that a society that cooperated would see an immense improvement in their productivity levels. Workers would be recompensed for their labors according to their contribution. Fourier saw such cooperation occurring in communities he called "phalanxes," based around structures called Phalanstères or "grand hotels." These buildings were four level apartment complexes where the richest had the uppermost apartments and the poorest enjoyed a ground floor residence. Wealth was determined by one's job; jobs were assigned based on the interests and desires of the individual. There were incentives: jobs people might not enjoy doing would receive higher pay. Fourier considered trade, which he associated with Jews, to be the "source of all evil" and advocated that Jews be forced to perform farm work in the phalansteries.
Fourier characterized poverty (not inequality) as the principal cause of disorder in society, and he proposed to eradicate it by sufficiently high wages and by a "decent minimum" for those who were not able to work.

   He believed that there were twelve common passions which resulted in 810 types of character, so the ideal phalanx would have exactly 1620 people. One day there would be six million of these, loosely ruled by a world "omniarch", or (later) a World Congress of Phalanxes. He had a touching concern for the sexually rejected–jilted suitors would be led away by a corps of "fairies" who would soon cure them of their lovesickness, and visitors could consult the card-index of personality types for suitable partners for casual sex. He also defended homosexuality as a personal preference for some people.
Fourier was also a supporter of women's rights in a time period where influences like Jean-Jacques Rousseau were prevalent. Fourier believed that all important jobs should be open to women on the basis of skill and aptitude rather than closed on account of gender. He spoke of women as individuals, not as half the human couple. Fourier saw that traditional marriage could potentially hurt woman's rights as human beings and thus never married.

   Fourier's concern was to liberate every human individual, man, woman, and child, in two senses: Education and the liberation of human passion.

On Education, Fourier felt that "civilized" parents and teachers saw children as little idlers. Fourier felt that this way of thinking was wrong. He felt that children as early as age two and three were very industrious. He listed the dominant tastes in all children to include, but not limited to:
Rummaging or inclination to handle everything, examine everything, look through everything, to constantly change occupations; Industrial commotion, taste for noisy occupations; Aping or imitative mania.
Industrial miniature, a taste for miniature workshops. Progressive attraction of the weak toward the strong.

   Fourier was deeply disturbed by the disorder of his time and wanted to stabilize the course of events which surrounded him. Fourier saw his fellow human beings living in a world full of strife, chaos, and disorder.
Fourier is best remembered for his writings on a new world order based on unity of action and harmonious collaboration. He is also known for certain Utopian pronouncements, such as that the seas would lose their salinity and turn to lemonade, and that the North Pole would be milder than the Mediterranean in a future phase of Perfect Harmony.


CPU's 1960s Platform Vs Politics of Today 
GlennBeck.com FoxNews.com 

What did the Communist Party USA say they wanted to do in 1963? Here's a few that stand out:

No. 3: Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength
No. 15: Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States
No. 17: Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks
No. 18: Gain control of all student newspapers
No. 19: Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack
No. 20: Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions
No. 21: Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures
No. 27: Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion
No. 28: Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state"
No. 29: Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis
No. 30: Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man"
No. 36: Infiltrate and gain control of more unions
No. 37: Infiltrate and gain control of big business
No. 40: Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

This was the to-do list for the communists in the 1960s. Compare that to the U.S. Constitution — which one are we following?



"Kibbutzim in the early days tried to be self-sufficient in all agricultural goods, from eggs to dairy to fruits to meats, but realized this was not possible. Land was generally provided by the Jewish National Fund. Later, they became dependent on government subsidies."

"The question was not whether group settlement was preferable to individual settlement; it was rather one of either group settlement or no settlement at all." 

"In soliciting donations, kibbutzim and other Zionist settlement activities presented themselves as "making the desert bloom."

This means the Kibbutzim are just "Feudalism/war Socialism" which has always 'worked', just not for any goals that the participants would much care for if the threat ever ended.

"most of these writings misunderstood essential aspects of the kibbutz. In particular,
they did not treat the essentially non-democratic and unchanging higher echelons of kibbutz
leaders and the numerous extraterritorial organizations and enterprises controlled by this elite"

"the Kibbutz societal involvement engendered profound problems, but scholars did not treat them;
nor did they treat the essentially non-democratic and unchanging higher echelons of Kibbutz
leaders whose control of these organizations enhanced the movement's bureaucratization,
oligarchization and conservatism. As these organizations adopted low-trust, low-moral
cultures contrary to Kibbutz high-trust cultures and high-moral leadership, exposure of their
cultures could have spoiled the kibbutz image of a progressive society."
Without a proper and complete time line I can't deduce exactly how & why, but it would seem the Kabbutzim have fallen quite short of "Success" by any remote definition. (Interesting topic tho)
 Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project
Jacque Fresco is an industrial designer and social engineer, author, lecturer, futurist, and inventor,[2][13][14] and has worked as both designer and inventor in a wide range of fields spanning from biomedical innovations to totally integrated social systems. Born March 13, 1916 (1916-03-13) (age 93)
The Venus Project, Inc is an organization that promotes Jacque Fresco's visions of the future through a website and by distributing videos and literature[1] with the goal to improve society by moving towards a resource-based economy and the design of sustainable cities, energy efficiency, natural resource management and advanced automation, focusing on the benefits it will bring to society.[2][3][4] The organization was started by Jacque Fresco[5] and Roxanne Meadows in 1995,[6] while their website claims The Project started around 1975. Future by Design, a film about the life and work of Jacque Fresco, was produced in 2006. The name of the organization originates from Venus, Florida, where its 21-acre (8.5-hectare research center is located, near Lake Okeechobee.[7] Within the center are ten buildings, designed by Fresco, which showcase the architecture of the project.[8]

Resource-based economy

The Venus Project was founded on the idea that poverty, crime, corruption and war are caused by the neuroses and scarcity created by the present world's profit-driven economic system, a structure which also stifles the progress of socially-beneficial technology. The progression of technology, if it were carried on independent of its profitability, Fresco theorizes, would make more resources available to more people by producing an abundance of products and materials. This new-found abundance of resources would reduce the human tendency toward independence, corruption, and greed, and instead rely on people helping each other.[9][10] Fresco believes it is now possible to achieve a society in which people would live "longer, healthier, and more meaningful lives."[11] Fresco believes the monetary system and the processes associated with it, such as labour and competition, is damaging to society and holds people back from their true potential. He states his ideas would maximally benefit the greatest number of people. He claims some of his ideas stem from his formative years during the Great Depression.[12] Fresco believes the current global economic situation, being similar but not as severe as the Great Depression, will lead people away from free-market economics and capitalism and make them lose confidence in the monetary establishment.
Fundamental to the project is the elimination of the current money-based economy in favor of a Resourse Based economy.[4]

Jacque Fresco is a self-educated social engineer, industrial designer, author, lecturer, futurist, inventor, and the creator of The Venus Project.[1][2][3] Fresco has worked as both designer and inventor in a wide range of fields spanning biomedical innovations and integrated social systems. He believes his ideas would maximally benefit the greatest number of people and he states some of his influence stems from his formative years during the Great Depression.[4] The Venus Project was started in the mid-1970s by Fresco and his partner, Roxanne Meadows. The film Future by Design was produced in 2006 describing his life and work. Fresco writes and lectures extensively on subjects ranging from the holistic design of sustainable cities, energy efficiency, natural resource management and advanced automation, focusing on the benefits it will bring to society.[2][5]

Cultural Creatives

a term coined by sociologist Paul H. Ray and psychologist Sherry Ruth Anderson to describe a large segment in Western society that has recently developed beyond the standard paradigm of Modernists versus Traditionalists or Conservatists. The concept was presented in their book The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World (2000), where they claim to have found that 50 million adult Americans (slightly over one quarter of the adult population) can now be identified as belonging to this group. They estimated that there were another 80–90 million Cultural Creatives in Europe
as of 2000. 

Core Cultural Creative

Just under half of the CC population, this segment comprises the more educated, leading-edge thinkers. This group includes many writers, artists, musicians, psychotherapists, feminists, alternative health care providers and other professionals. They combine a serious concern for their inner life with a strong passion for social activism.

Green Cultural Creative

The more secular and extroverted wing of the Cultural Creatives. They tend to follow the opinions of the Core group and have a more conventional religious outlook. Their world views are less thought out than the Core group and less intensely held.


Ray and Anderson created a questionnaire to identify Cultural Creatives in Western society. The below characteristics were identified as qualities of a Cultural Creative. Agreement with 10 or more indicates status as a Cultural Creative.
  • love of nature and deep caring about its preservation, and its natural balance. (Environmentalism)
  • strong awareness of the planet-wide issues (i.e. global warming[Debunked], poverty, overpopulation, etc.) and a desire to see more action on them
  • being active themselves as well ( e.g. cradle2cradle principal)
  • willingness to pay higher taxes or spend more money for goods if that money went to improving the environment (Environmentalism... But of which stripe?)
  • heavy emphasis on the importance of developing and maintaining relationships
  • heavy emphasis on the importance of helping others and developing their unique gifts
  • volunteer with one or more good causes (Beware the DoGooders)
  • intense interest in spiritual and psychological development (Psychiatrists are often more crazy than their patients ;)
  • see spirituality as an important aspect of life, but worry about religious fundamentalism (Anti Freedom of Religion?)
  • desire equity for women/men in business, life and politics
  • concern and support of the wellbeing( oa. freedom ) of all women and children (Anti Adult Male, Sexist Feminism)
  • want politics and government to spend more money on education, community programs and the support of a more ecologically sustainable future (Pro Govt Redistribution of Wealth if for "The Right Cause")
  • are unhappy with the left and right in politics (NonPartisan Anti Party Politcs, but incidently anti Capitalism)
  • optimism towards the future
  • want to be involved in creating a new and better way of life
  • are concerned with big business and the means they use to generate profits, including destroying the environment and exploiting poorer countries (Anti international Capitalism)
  • Support change of goods and means ,and 2hand use, concidering the environment.unlikely to overspend or be in heavy debt
  • dislike the emphasis of modern cultures on making it and success, on consuming and making money (Anti Economic Meritocracy)
  • like people, places and things that are different or exotic (Xenophelia)

The Zeitgeist Movement Zeitgeist literally "the spirit of the times" and/or "the spirit of the age.", is the title of a Politically Populist Utopianism Movement.
The Venus Project is featured prominently in the 2008 documentary film Zeitgeist: Addendum, as a possible solution to the global problems explained in the first film and first half of the second film.[6] The film premiered at the 5th Annual Artivist Film Festival in Los Angeles, California on October 2, 2008, winning their highest award, and it was released online for free on Google video[13] on October 4, 2008.[14]. Following the movie The Zeitgeist Movement was established to aid the transition from a monetary based economy to a resource-based economy.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stuff To Add

Voting Districts (CHICAGO)

Noteworthy Articles For Expoundature

Andrew Jackson

Alexander Hamilton

(FDR's Lackeys)

Edmund Burke

Roscoe Pound

George Hegel

Frederic Bastiat

Maximilien Robespierre



Mao's 'Little Red Book'

Karl Marx and Engles 'Communist Manifesto'

Obama's Administration (Described Handbooks by members thereof)- 

"Animal Spirits" by George A. Akerlof and Robert J. Shiller

A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn


"Stand Up Straight" by Robert Creamer (A Saul Alinsky Disciple!~) 


"The Phantom Public by Walter Lippmann (1925)"

"The Coming Insurrection" by 'The Invisible Committee'.

Seedtime Of The Republic by Clinton Rossiter
The Code of 1650 - Read Online or Download the Ebook @ [Google Books] [Archive.org]
About - http://www.jud.ct.gov/lawlib/history/ludlow.htm

Giants (about Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln)

Cato Handbook for Policymakers, 7th Edition (2009)


Adam Smith - "Theory of Moral Sentiment" 1754 (book)

The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes (Pro Monarchy and Tyranny of the "Right to life [only])

Spirit of the Laws by Baron Montesquieu

A Conservative History Of The American Left

John Adams Letter to Benjamin Rush (Re: Dream)





Text Books

Lives of the Signers of the Declaration by Vincent or bensin mosely

The Wives of the signers

LAW and Topics

Say's Law

Glass-Steagall Act

On Liberty

Edwardian Era

Herritage 2010 Index of Economic Freedom

"Socialogy" programs started by max webber, karl marx

Jim Wallace And Sociology?

"Social Justice"

Out of 15,000 writings surveyed there were 3,154 quotes used by the founding fathers; The Most Quoted Source was the Bible, and Deutaronomy was the Most Quoted book in the bible (Which is basically Mosaic Law)






American Exceptionalism

Manifest Destiny

Lincoln's Time-

Black Republicansn

Know Nothings



OBAMA (For Dauthaz Beech Phagein)

2001 Interview With Obama

dreams from my father


1995 "The Diversity Myth" Article in Atlanta Monthly by  Benjamin Schwartz

Chapter 5 systematic theology, Attributes of God

The Melting Pot (American Symphony)

The Rise of the Unmelting Ethnics


82 percent of Americans believe that all voters should show ID before they vote.


U6 Real unemployment 16.5% August 2010


The Free Lunch Paradigm (Economics)



1st Great Awakening

New Light Christianity


2nd Great Awakening - Abolitionism


"You can put your garage in the cheek of a caterpilar's bazooka" -Andrew Klaven



Fidel Castro

Che Guavera

Cuban 'Revolution'



AGW - Climate Change

Cap And Trade

Kyoto Treaty

Japan Earth Qquake




Gerrymandered districts


The Myth Of Successful Scandinavian Socialism



krazy kaju-   Many leftists often point to the "superiority" of Scandinavian "socialism." Leftists often use Denmark and Sweden as their examples, since they are the most successful Scandinavian nations. Which has already been covered in This post, but it is important to rehash this topic and to post a refutation of this leftist fallacy. For this post, we shall define Scandinavian countries as Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland. Some might dispute whether we should consider Finland and Iceland as Scandinavian, because of cultural differences (Finland) and geographical barriers (Iceland), though we the point of this post is not to argue whether or not these countries are Scandinavian, but to dispute the fact that they are indeed successful socialist states.
First of all, most leftists will use the USA as the measure of laissez faire capitalism. We all know that this is completely false, so I won't go into detail refuting this casuistry here but I'd like to point several things out: Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland, and Australia were all rated as "more free," according to the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom. It would probably be better to compare these Scandinavian nations to Hong Kong or Ireland than to the United states.
Furthermore, Scandinavian nations are not nearly as socialist as leftists claim they are. Although the United States ranks higher than these nations on the Index of Economic Freedom, Scandinavian nations are more free in several decisive areas. Denmark has greater business freedom, monetary freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom, freedom from corruption, and labor freedom while having comparable property rights and trade freedom scores to the U.S.  Sweden has greater business freedom and freedom from corruption, while having comparable trade freedom, monetary freedom, property rights enforcement, investment freedom, and financial freedom to the United States. Finland has greater business freedom, monetary freedom, and freedom from corruption than the United States, while having comparable property right enforcement, financial freedom, and trade freedom. Norway, the least successful Scandinavian nation, has greater freedom from corruption than the United States while having comparable business freedom, trade freedom, and property right enforcement. Iceland has greater business freedom, fiscal freedom, and freedom from corruption, while having comparable trade freedom and property right enforcement. In many ways, Scandinavian countries are more "laissez faire" than the United States.

the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom:
Sweden's economy is 70.4 percent free, according to our 2008 assessment, which makes it the world's 27th freest economy. Its overall score is 1.4 percentage points higher than last year, reflecting improvements in trade freedom and financial freedom. Sweden is ranked 14th out of 41 countries in the European region, and its overall score is higher than the regional average. Sweden enjoys exceptionally high levels of investment freedom, financial freedom, property rights, business freedom, and freedom from corruption. Virtually all commercial operations are simple and transparent. Foreign investment is permitted without government approval, though capital is subject to restrictions in some areas. The financial sector is highly developed, and the Stockholm stock market is open to foreign investment. The judiciary, independent of politics and free of corruption, has an exemplary ability to protect property rights.
In contrast, Sweden has some of the lowest scores worldwide in fiscal freedom and government size. The top income tax rate of 60 percent is one of the highest in the world, and total government spending equals more than half of GDP. The labor market was highly regulated, but reforms have led to a score equal to the world average in labor freedom.

Denmark is the 11th freest nation, in terms of its economy:
Denmark's economy is 79.2 percent free, according to our 2008 assessment, which makes it the world's 11th freest economy. Its overall score is 2.2 percentage points higher than last year, one of the largest increases in the world, reflecting improved scores in four freedoms. Denmark is now ranked 4th freest among the 41 countries in the European region, and its overall score is well above the regional average. Denmark scores highly in eight of the 10 freedoms and is among the world's freest economies in six categories. Its perfect score in labor freedom is a 25-point increase from its 2007 score. Financial markets are transparent, highly developed, and open to foreign capital. As a modern Western democracy, Denmark has an efficient, independent judiciary that protects property rights effectively, and the level of corruption is extraordinarily low.
Denmark has two significant weaknesses that are typical of large European welfare states. The top personal income tax rate is very high, and tax revenue collected is correspondingly high. Although there are few state-owned industries, government spending equals over 50 percent of GDP. As a result, scores in these two freedoms are over 40 percentage points below average.
Norway is also relatively free:
Norway's economy is 69 percent free, according to our 2007 assessment, which makes it the world's 34th freest economy. Its overall score is 0.6 percentage point higher than last year, reflecting improvement in the investment climate and labor market flexibility. Norway is ranked 19th out of 41 countries in the European region, and its overall score is higher than the regional average. Norway enjoys high levels of business freedom, trade freedom, property rights, and freedom from corruption. The average tariff rate is low, although some non-tariff barriers complicate trade. Starting a business takes only a few days, and the overall protection of business operations is high. Norway has an efficient, independent judiciary that protects property rights effectively, and corruption is negligible.
Norway has very low scores in terms of government size, fiscal freedom, and labor freedom. Government spending is high as a percentage of GDP. As in most other modern European welfare economies, the labor market is fairly rigid, but the government has been trying to introduce more flexibility into employment practices.
Finland also has some areas that are highly deregulated:
Finland's economy is 74.8 percent free, according to our 2008 assessment, which makes it the world's 16th freest economy. Its overall score is 0.6 percentage point higher than last year. Finland is ranked 9th out of 41 countries in the European region, and its overall score is well above the regional average. Finland is a world leader in four of 10 economic freedoms: financial freedom, monetary freedom, freedom from corruption, and business freedom. A business-friendly environment with minimal regulation is enabling the rapid growth of private enterprise. Property is protected by a transparent rule of law, and foreign investors enjoy excellent market access. There is virtually no corruption, and business operations are not hampered by government bureaucracy. As a member of the euro zone, Finland has a standardized monetary policy that yields low inflation despite some government distortion in the agricultural sector.
Finland could improve its labor freedom and reduce its government size. As in many other European social democracies, high government spending supports an extensive welfare state: Government spending equals half of Finland's GDP. The labor market operates under fairly restrictive regulations, such as a limited number of working hours allowed per week and very high unemployment benefits.

The Sweden Myth

Mises Daily: Monday, August 07, 2006 by

Until the second half of the 19th century, Sweden was fairly poor. But far-reaching free market reforms in the 1860s allowed Sweden to benefit from the spreading Industrial Revolution.
And so, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Sweden saw its economy rapidly industrializing, driven by the many Swedish inventors and entrepreneurs.
During that time, Sweden produced extraordinarily many inventions, given its small population, including: dynamite, invented by Alfred Nobel (who established the Nobel Prize); the self-aligning ball bearing, invented by Sven Wingquist (who used this to create the SKF company); the sun-valve, invented by Gustav Dahlén (who used it to found industrial gas company AGA); the gas absorption refrigerator, invented by Baltzar von Platen (which was later used by Electrolux).
In addition, there were countless non-inventing entrepreneurs during that period: car manufacturers Volvo and Saab, and telecommunications company Ericsson. Indeed, with just a few exceptions, nearly all large Swedish companies were started during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which was not only a period of strong growth, but also the time when the foundation for later economic growth was laid.
Another factor which continued Swedish prosperity was the fact that Sweden was able to stay out of both World Wars, and indeed all other wars as well. Sweden is in fact the country with the longest consecutive period of peace, having fought no war since 1809, when Sweden was invaded by Russia, losing Finland to the invader.
Sweden has thus enjoyed 5 more years of peace than Switzerland, which participated in the Napoleonic wars in 1814. As a result of its free market policies, the resourcefulness of its people, and its successful avoidance of war, Sweden had the highest per-capita income growth in the world between 1870 and 1950, by which time Sweden had become one of the world's richest countries, behind only the United States and Switzerland, and Denmark (who have since also fallen behind because of high taxes).
But the foundation for future trouble had already been created. In 1932, the Social Democrats rose to power in the face of the Great Depression. And like FDR in America and Adolf Hitler in Germany, they started to expand government power over the economy. Until 1932, government spending had been kept below 10% of GDP in Sweden, but the Social Democrats, under their leader Per Albin Hansson, wanted to change this and remake Sweden into a "folkhem" ("people's home"), a term Swedish Social Democrats adopted from the Fascists in Italy.
Even in the early 1950s, Sweden was still one of the freest economies in the world, and government spending relative to GDP was in fact below the American level.
But between 1950 and 1976, Sweden experienced an expansion in government spending unprecedented during a period of peace, with government spending to GDP rising from about 20% in 1950 to more than 50% in 1975. Virtually every year, taxes were increased while the welfare state expanded relentlessly, both in the form of a sharp increase in the number of government employees and ever more transfer payment benefits.
During the first 20 years, this relentless government expansion took place seemingly without ill effect, as Sweden benefited from rapid global growth — although Sweden's growth had already started to slip in relative terms, from well above average to just average. This changed in the 1970s after Olof Palme, from the left wing of the Social Democratic party became Prime Minister. Palme stepped up the socialist transformation in Sweden, rapidly increasing anti-business regulations and sharply increased payroll taxes.
The payroll-tax increases, along with increasing wage demands from unions, made Swedish businesses highly uncompetitive on the global markets, something which Palme decided to solve by devaluing the Swedish krona. As a result, price inflation rose sharply, leading to repeated devaluations. Popular discontent from the economic woes created by the global economic downturn, the massive tax increases, the increased regulations, and the increasing inflation enabled the center right to come into power in 1976, breaking 44 years of uninterrupted Social Democratic rule.
But because the center-right parties were unwilling to push for more radical free-market reforms, the economic woes, including the inflation-devaluation cycle, continued. For this reason, and because the three coalition parties — the conservative Moderate Party, the Liberal Party, and the Center Party — were unable to get along, the Social Democrats returned to power in 1982.
They immediately implemented one "big bang" devaluation of 16%, which they claimed would be the last. They had claimed the same thing before all the previous devaluations, including the 10% devaluation that the center-right government had decided upon the year before. This time it appears that they actually meant it, but as with The Boy Who Cried Wolf, no one believed them.
Inflationary expectations and thus union wage demands remained very high. And in 1985, the government decided to deregulate bank lending. While this reform was necessary in order to improve capital allocation, it had disastrous side effects given the fact that at the time, real interest rates were way below zero after tax and inflation. This caused a massive credit expansion, which in turn helped further aggravate consumer price inflation while also creating a massive stock- and real estate bubble. As the exchange rate remained fixed, Swedish competitiveness was quickly undermined.
After Palme was killed by an unknown assassin in February 1986, pragmatist Ingvar Carlsson became prime minister. Worried that Swedish growth had trailed most other countries, Carlsson's government implemented a number of free-market reforms. Among these were the lifting of all currency controls in 1989 and a tax reform that dramatically reduced marginal tax rates (although they also reduced a number of deductions, including deductions for interest payments). Although these reforms have arguably contributed to improving the long-term economic performance of Sweden, they would contribute to precipitating the deep economic downturn in the early 1990s.
Meanwhile, as the economy started slowing significantly in 1990 after a series of tightening measures, consumer price inflation slowed. With the combination of continued high nominal interest rates, reduced capital gains taxation (and with that, reduced deductions for interest payments) and falling price inflation, real interest rates started rising significantly, helping to end the asset price bubbles. On top of all of this came the oil price shock following Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and an economic downturn in key trading partners such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Finland. The end result was that Sweden slipped into a recession in late 1990.
As Sweden fell into a recession and its highly cyclical government budget balance started to deteriorate rapidly, investor confidence in the Swedish fixed-exchange-rate scheme started to deteriorate rapidly.
And with currency controls abolished a few years ago, the krona was fair game for currency speculators. Unlike in the past, the government was determined not to devalue, and they deemed a return to strict currency controls as unthinkable, so they had no choice but to defend the currency by raising interest rates. But as the currency speculators knew that these interest rate levels could not be sustained, they renewed their attacks, knowing that their gain from a collapsed currency regime would be far greater than the interest rate levels the Riksbank could offer. The end result was that real after-tax interest rates were pushed up into double digit levels — after having been negative just a few years earlier. That in turn deepened the recession further.
In the end, though, the fixed-exchange-rate scheme collapsed in November 1992. The dramatic increase in interest rates and the deep recession had at the same time created a large amount of bad loans, making almost all major banks in effect bankrupt. (The exception was Handelsbanken, known for its more cautious lending practices.) Only after the Swedish government pledged they would bail out the banks with whatever money they needed was a widespread banking collapse averted.
All told, the recession became Sweden's deepest by far since the Great Depression, with GDP in 1993 being 5% lower than in 1990, with employment falling more than 10%, and the budget deficit rising to more than 10% of GDP. By then Sweden had fallen to between 15th and 20th place in international income comparisons, a decline from which it has never
since recovered.
After this deep downturn, Sweden has performed much better for a number of reasons. The 20% decline in the value of the krona in late 1992 gave a strong boost to exports and together with the dramatic lowering of interest rates, this helped kick-start a cyclical recovery in late 1993. Moreover, a number of free market reforms implemented during Ingvar Carlsson and conservative Carl Bildt (who was Prime Minister between 1991 and 1994) had helped raise the structural growth potential of the Swedish economy.
Apart from the already mentioned reforms of reduced marginal tax rates and abolished currency controls, deregulated bank lending and significantly lower inflation, this included privatizations of several state-owned companies and deregulation of several key sectors, including the retail sector, the telecommunications sector and the airline industry. Also, when the massive budget deficit was eliminated, even the Social Democrats realized the need for deep spending cuts, which together with the typical cyclical decline in the burden of spending during booms helped reduce the extremely bloated burden of government spending somewhat.
All of this has helped Sweden recover in relative terms from the stagnation of the 1970s and 1980s and the deep economic downturn in the early 1990s. It is this relative recovery that is now seized upon by the Social Democrats and their sympathizers inside and outside of Sweden when they claim that the Swedish model of high taxes and a big welfare state is successful.
Yet as should be clear, the relative improvement of performance is due not to high taxes (lower now than previously), but to free-market reforms.
The reason Sweden no longer trails the rest of Europe is that these reforms, which have not been implemented in most continental European countires, have made the Swedish economy relatively freer.
And even with these reforms, Sweden has not, in fact, performed better than the rest of Europe. While headline GDP growth has been slightly higher, this advantage disappears when taking into account that Sweden's terms of trade have deteriorated significantly.
And if we exclude heavy-weight laggards Germany and Italy, Sweden has in fact continued to fall behind the Continent, event with Europe's dismal performance compared to most other parts of the world.
If we look beneath the aggregate production figures, we can see deep structural problems. The number of people employed is now 6% lower than in 1990, a weaker development than in any other western economy. By contrast, even with the weak job growth in recent years (by American standards), employment in the United States is 20% higher than in 1990.
And the number of people employed in Sweden is actually lower than in 1980, too. You have to go back to the mid-1970s to find employment numbers lower than the current ones. While total employment has been roughly unchanged since 1975, it masks a significant decline in male employment. And if you look only at the private sector, employment is now at a level lower than in 1950.
Social Democrats still often claim that Sweden has a comparatively high employment rate, but this claim is based on deceptive employment statistics that count as employed many who have been on long-term sick leave or in some other way on the receiving end of transfer payment programs, even though they don't actually work.
Moreover, the "stay at home mom" is very rare in Sweden. Because of the incentives created by the feminist construction of the Swedish welfare system, mothers mostly leave their children at government day care centers. Even if you believe that mothers who stay home to take care of their children are the victims of patriarchical oppression, you cannot deny the childcare takes a lot of work, but only those who take care of other people's children count as employed. By shifting childcare from the home to the public sector, the government further exaggerates Swedish employment figures.
The headline unemployment rate in Sweden is only 5–5.5%, but this number is extremely misleading as it only includes a small number of the people who the government pays not to work. Many unemployed are sent to so-called "labor market political activities" — activities whose only purpose is to reduce the official unemployment rate.
If we ignore this ruse, unemployment is 8%. And if you also include the enormous number of early retirees and people who live off sickness benefits, the real unemployment rate is more like 25%. The number of early retirees is 540,000, more than double the number of officially unemployed. Among non-Western immigrants, the real unemployment rate is higher than 50%.
All of this is exactly what we should expect from transfer payment benefits to people who don't work, from massive payroll taxes, income taxes, and value-added taxes. This has greatly inhibited the growth of a labor-intensive private-service sector that could have provided jobs for many of the unemployed immigrants.
During the most recent year, however, growth has picked up significantly in Sweden. To some extent, this reflects the global cyclical upswing, but there is also a domestic Swedish factor at work here, which has helped push Swedish growth higher than in most European countries. After the painful fiasco of the fixed-exchange-rate regime in 1992, Sweden instead adopted inflation targeting.
This monetary policy regime seems so far to have been significantly more successful, but the policy is creating new problems. Because of deregulation and increased competition in a number of sectors in recent years, consumer price inflation has been fairly low, indeed below the 2% target most of the time. Food prices, for example, have been falling as fierce competition from low-price chains like Lidl, Netto, and Willys, have forced the major supermarket chains to cut prices in order to keep their customers.
Low prices are good for consumers, of course, but according to the inflation-targeting dogma, too low a rate of price inflation is itself a problem — a problem that must be counteracted with increased monetary inflation. Thus the Riksbank has been forced to push down interest rates dramatically in order to boost money supply enough to help achieve a 2% consumer price inflation rate.
As consumer price inflation is now starting to creep back up toward 2%, it appears that they will be successful, but this will have come at the cost of unleashing an asset price bubble and household debt levels similar to the levels experienced in the late 1980s.
Money supply rose 11.5% in Sweden in the year to May, even higher than the 8.9% seen in the Euro-zone. It is the dramatic acceleration of monetary inflation in 2005 which has temporarily boosted Swedish growth. The timing of this boom is, it should be noted, very convenient for the ruling Social Democrats and their parliamentary allies, the Green Party and the communist Left Party, given the fact that they face an election this year in September.
Ultimately, this artificial boom will have to come to an end, and although the ensuing crisis will likely not be as deep as in the early 1990s, the seemingly impressive Swedish boom will certainly be revealed as a fraud — just as the whole story of the success of the Swedish economic model is a fraud.



















The Sweden Myth (LvMI)
How the Welfare State Corrupted Sweden (LvMI)
Sweden: Poorer Than You Think (LvMI)
Sweden: From Capitalist Success to Welfare-State Sclerosis (Cato)
Should Scandinavia Be Our Model? Podcast (Cato)
Should the United States Be More Like Scandinavia? Policy Forum (Cato)
Johnny Munkhammar in Defense of Free Market Capitalism in Sweden Weeky Video (Cato)
Sweden Repeals Wealth Tax (Cato)
Sweden is a Tax Haven? (Cato)
The Welfare State Causes Sickness (Cato)
If the Swedish State is Socialist, What is Ours? (Cato)
New Challenge to the Nordic Welfare Model (Cato)
Introduction to Economics Review (Mackinac)
Free Enterprise in Action Review (Mackinac)
Institutions and Analysis (Mackinac)
Where Are the Omelettes? (Mackinac)
Scandinavian Irony (FEE)
Are High Taxes the Basis of Economic Growth? (FEE)
Sweden: Tightening the Screws (FEE)
You might also want to look at the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom:

Sweden's economy is 70.4 percent free, according to our 2008 assessment, which makes it the world's 27th freest economy. Its overall score is 1.4 percentage points higher than last year, reflecting improvements in trade freedom and financial freedom. Sweden is ranked 14th out of 41 countries in the European region, and its overall score is higher than the regional average. Sweden enjoys exceptionally high levels of investment freedom, financial freedom, property rights, business freedom, and freedom from corruption. Virtually all commercial operations are simple and transparent. Foreign investment is permitted without government approval, though capital is subject to restrictions in some areas. The financial sector is highly developed, and the Stockholm stock market is open to foreign investment. The judiciary, independent of politics and free of corruption, has an exemplary ability to protect property rights.
In contrast, Sweden has some of the lowest scores worldwide in fiscal freedom and government size. The top income tax rate of 60 percent is one of the highest in the world, and total government spending equals more than half of GDP. The labor market was highly regulated, but reforms have led to a score equal to the world average in labor freedom.

Denmark is the 11th freest nation, in terms of its economy:
Denmark's economy is 79.2 percent free, according to our 2008 assessment, which makes it the world's 11th freest economy. Its overall score is 2.2 percentage points higher than last year, one of the largest increases in the world, reflecting improved scores in four freedoms. Denmark is now ranked 4th freest among the 41 countries in the European region, and its overall score is well above the regional average. Denmark scores highly in eight of the 10 freedoms and is among the world's freest economies in six categories. Its perfect score in labor freedom is a 25-point increase from its 2007 score. Financial markets are transparent, highly developed, and open to foreign capital. As a modern Western democracy, Denmark has an efficient, independent judiciary that protects property rights effectively, and the level of corruption is extraordinarily low.
Denmark has two significant weaknesses that are typical of large European welfare states. The top personal income tax rate is very high, and tax revenue collected is correspondingly high. Although there are few state-owned industries, government spending equals over 50 percent of GDP. As a result, scores in these two freedoms are over 40 percentage points below average.
Norway is also relatively free:
Norway's economy is 69 percent free, according to our 2007 assessment, which makes it the world's 34th freest economy. Its overall score is 0.6 percentage point higher than last year, reflecting improvement in the investment climate and labor market flexibility. Norway is ranked 19th out of 41 countries in the European region, and its overall score is higher than the regional average. Norway enjoys high levels of business freedom, trade freedom, property rights, and freedom from corruption. The average tariff rate is low, although some non-tariff barriers complicate trade. Starting a business takes only a few days, and the overall protection of business operations is high. Norway has an efficient, independent judiciary that protects property rights effectively, and corruption is negligible.
Norway has very low scores in terms of government size, fiscal freedom, and labor freedom. Government spending is high as a percentage of GDP. As in most other modern European welfare economies, the labor market is fairly rigid, but the government has been trying to introduce more flexibility into employment practices.
Finland also has some areas that are highly deregulated:
Finland's economy is 74.8 percent free, according to our 2008 assessment, which makes it the world's 16th freest economy. Its overall score is 0.6 percentage point higher than last year. Finland is ranked 9th out of 41 countries in the European region, and its overall score is well above the regional average. Finland is a world leader in four of 10 economic freedoms: financial freedom, monetary freedom, freedom from corruption, and business freedom. A business-friendly environment with minimal regulation is enabling the rapid growth of private enterprise. Property is protected by a transparent rule of law, and foreign investors enjoy excellent market access. There is virtually no corruption, and business operations are not hampered by government bureaucracy. As a member of the euro zone, Finland has a standardized monetary policy that yields low inflation despite some government distortion in the agricultural sector.
Finland could improve its labor freedom and reduce its government size. As in many other European social democracies, high government spending supports an extensive welfare state: Government spending equals half of Finland's GDP. The labor market operates under fairly restrictive regulations, such as a limited number of working hours allowed per week and very high unemployment benefits.
